Sangria, a drink from the past with a bright future

Associated with the summer and beach bars, sangria is a drink with unknown origins and a unique flavour of fun and celebration. The most refreshing red wine of the summer is a classic, bathed with sugar, orange juice, a touch of liquor, some spices, lots of ice, and seasonal fruits. In recent years the popular sangria has undergone such an intense revival that it has become a stylish, even glamorous drink. And is there anything more glamorous than a sangria ice cream?

Did you know...

Sangria is one of the most popular drinks in Spanish gastronomy, born in homes and popular culture, as an enduring protagonist of street parties. There is no canonical recipe, but traditionally the base is a typical full-bodied red wine. In Catalonia it can also be prepared with white or rosé wines, even with cava for a special version known as ‘holiday sangria’.